The dry-cleaning station, serviced by WN Dry Cleaning Services, is located on the B1 level, at the base of the escalator.
To initiate service:
- Pick up a packet from the dry-cleaning room and complete the enclosed form.
- Once the form is complete, place the form and your clothing items in the bag, then seal.
- Drop the sealed bag in the service box, located in the dry-cleaning room. Items will be returned within two business days, and you will receive a permanent dry-cleaning bag to use for all future dry cleaning or laundry services.
- Once your clothing items have been cleaned, you will receive an email to pick up your items from a designated locker in the dry-cleaning room. The email will provide the locker number and access instructions.
Contact WN Dry Cleaning Services by email at or by telephone at (281) 796-1101.